Karsh Ranjan_

Minimal HTML portfolio site serving as a public record of my ongoing and past projects.

About Me

I am an Engineering Honours student at Swinburne University, majoring in Software. My main interests lie in low-level computing and Linux scripting.

I use a MacBook Pro as my primary computer, valuing its UNIX-like terminal and notable 20-hour battery life. For my home server, which I self-host, I use a fork of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Rocky Linux, for its stability, reliability, strong community support, and robust security features.

I am greatly inspired by the Suckless Manifest.

My Work

CyWear [in development]:

Other Hobby Projects:

Custom Plugins, Extensions & Themes:

Projects built as University task:

Other Links

Contact Me

Get in touch with me via email, Matrix @vimalias:hackliberty.org, or Discord @a.e.s.e.a.